Tuesday, June 28, 2011

[WATCH]: HobbyKing EPP FPV RC model plane, part 3 - the test flight

At last, a test-flight of the HK EPP FPV model. To start with, I've decided to fly the model without cameras or stability systems so as to ascertain its traits. As expected, the model wants to sideslip a lot in turns, requiring significant amounts of "top-rudder" to avoid the tail falling down in a banked turn. This could be reduced by mixing some rudder into the aileron channel and by using aileron differential. The model has very little inherent stability in the roll-plane, staying in a sharp turn even once the controls are released to neutral. That is not good if you want a plane that will cope with a loss of video signal when out of visual range. Fitting an inertial or horizon-seeking stability system will solve that problem -- i

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