Saturday, June 25, 2011

Signal Processors: Electrovoice AI-1 Analog Input Card Eight Channel, 48 Bit Word Length, 117 dB SN Dynamic Range

Electrovoice AI-1 Analog Input Card Eight Channel, 48 Bit Word Length, 117 dB SN Dynamic Range

List Price: $1,066.00

118 dB for AO-1, 117 dB for AI-1 Dynamic Range -- for Best Audio Performance.Balanced Inputs and Outputs -- High Common Mode Rejection Prevents Long Cables from Picking Up Interference.Automatic Configuration -- Indication Message of Installation and Removal of Modules via IRIS Software.

List Price: $1,066.00
Your Price: $1,066.00-
The AI-1 is an eight-channel analog audio input module for the NetMax N8000 System Controller. Audio signals are connected via screw-lockable Euro block connectors. A-to-D conversion is taken care of by high performance linear 24-bit converters. Internally the signals are processed in 4

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