Saturday, July 30, 2011

SurveilStar Parental Control Software -- Protecting Kids from Video Game Addiction

Video game addiction is a real concern for parents, but there is a lot you can do to prevent this from occurring. Here the following are tips for parents on how to protect children from video game and screen addiction.
Statistics About Video Games Addiction:
1. almost 9 percent of child gamers are pathologically or clinically "addicted" to playing video games ;
2. 23 percent of youth say that they have felt "addicted to video games," ;
3. one-third of males and a little more than one in 10 females reporting the sensation ;
4. forty-four percent of the youth 8 to 18 also reported their friends are addicted to video games ;
5. the average child 8 to 12 plays 13 hours of video games per week ;
6. teens age 13 to 18 year play 1

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