Saturday, July 2, 2011

[WATCH]: Porrazzo AMT Intro Video 2010 Prt 1.avi

The Porrazzo Advanced Membrane Transducer is a Multifunction Transducer, capable of simultaneously being a very high quality speaker, microphone, antenna, sensor, imaging device, etc.. It is a NASA 2006 Premier Technology, awarded the IBEX award in 2008 and the CONNECT Award for The Most Innovative Technology and with Philips won CES Best New Product. AMT has been deployed with all branches of the US Military. It has been saving and changing lives in Haiti after the Earthquake. It is being built into the eco-shell Domes of the MODDHA Village for the ESPWA Orphanage, Haiti. As an Antenna the Porrazzo AMT has an entirely different principal of operation than traditional fixed length antennas. The Porrazzo AMT is a conformal , planar, f

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